Media Freeware Faqs

  1. What is Media Freeware?

    Media freeware is a software service provider. We have a wide variety of software apps for your computer and mobile device.

  2. Are software from Media Freeware free?

    Yes, all software apps offered by Media Freeware are totally free.

  3. AreMedia Freeware software programs free ofviruses?

    Yes, Media Freeware software apps are free from all kinds of viruses and malware.

  4. How can I download a software from Media Freeware?

    To download a software app from Media Freeware you just need to visit the website. Go the link of your desired software and hit download button.

  5. What are the benefits of using media freeware?

    Here are some delightful benefits of using Media Freeware:

  6. Free to download

    You could freely download anything from Media Freeware. Select your device and enjoy a free download.

  7. Has a quick search box

    Its friendly user search box enables you to sort and filter your results to find what you look for.

  8. User ratings

    Provides you knowledge of which programs are liked the most by other users.

  9. Free user account

    You can enjoy free account.

  10. Great access to Media Freeware users community

    You can enjoy the sharing knowledge from other experts out there.

  11. Weekly Free Newsletter

    You inbox is loaded with the latest software information and updates weekly for free.

  12. Software reviews

    Our knowledgeable editors keep you updated through reviews that help you find out the right software according to your needs.

  13. It gives 100% virus free download

    All programs which are published on Media Freeware are scanned with around 30 antivirus engines to ensure the 100% virus free download.

  14. Does Media Freeware provide any paid subscription too?

    No. Media Freeware doesn’t have any paid subscription. It’s all published programs are 100% free. We don’t ask for you bank accounts, credit card, your names and phones. But kindly beware of the scams.

  15. In case if you are subscribed to SMS premium service, you are required to contact service provider of your phone. They would inform you which company is charging you.

  16. If your money has been taken from you through bank or credit card, please check your bank statement regularly. It will enable you to cancel your service and take any step against the charging company.